Current Weather at Firestone, CO

Current Outside Temperature  Current Outside Humidity  Current Outside Dewpoint  Current Barometer

  Current Wind Chill Current Outside Heat Index Current Inside Temperature Inside Humidity

Current Wind Direction  Current Wind Speed  Current 10-Minute Average Wind Speed

Outside Temp History  Barometer History

Today's Rain  Storm Rain Total  Current Rain Rate  Monthly Total Rain  Yearly Total Rain


S at 4.0 mph
29.962 in & Falling Slowly
Today's Rain
0.00 in
Rain Rate
0.00 in/hr
Storm Total
0.00 in
Monthly Rain
0.00 in
Yearly Rain
8.22 in
Wind Chill
THW Index
Heat Index
Today's Highs/Lows

High Temperature

Low Temperature

43.6°F   at   3:35a

35.5°F  at   12:28a

Inside Temperature 66.1°F
High Inside Temperature

Low Inside Temperature

69.9°F at 12:03a

66.1°F at 5:15a

High Outside Humidity

Low Outside Humidity

48%    at  12:24a

30%   at   3:29a

High Inside Humidity

Low Inside Humidity

29% at 1:23a

28% at 3:29a

High Dewpoint

Low Dewpoint

18.0°F   at  12:24a

13.0°F  at   2:38a

High Wind Speed

8.0 mph   at   3:29a

High Barometer

Low Barometer

30.051 in   at  12:00a

29.962 in  at   5:30a

High Rain Rate

0.00 in/hr   at  ----

Low Wind Chill

34.0°F   at  12:03a

High Heat Index

42.0°F   at   3:30a

Courtesy of National Weather Service

Courtesy of National Weather Service

Infrared: GOES West

This image is taken in the infrared band of light and show relative warmth of objects. Colder objects are brighter and warmer objects are darker.

Lower layers of clouds, generally warmer and lower in altitude, are colored gray. Colder and generally higher clouds tops are highlighted in colors.

Infrared imagery is useful for determining cloud features both at day and night.  


Courtesy of National Weather Service, Boulder CO


Colorado Forecast Information

The National Weather Forecast Office Denver-Boulder

Northeast and North Central Colorado Zone Forecast

Area Forecast Discussion

Short Term Forcast

Denver CO Weather Wind forecast - Tomorrow - Morning by

Denver VAD (Velocity Azimuth Display Wind Profile) Winds courtesy of Weather Underground

Storm Prediction Center Information

Current Day 1 Convective Outlook graphic and text           Current Day 2 Convective Outlook graphic and text

Day One Outlook                      Day Two Outlook

Click on outlooks for more information

Valid Mesoscale Discussion graphics and text           Valid SPC Convective Watches graphic and text

Current Mesoscale Discussions                                         Current Watches


Denver Area Forecast Discussion - Courtesy of National Weather Service, Boulder CO


Hazardous Weather Outlook - Courtesy of National Weather Service, Boulder CO



 Never base important decisions or events on data from this private weather station,

 which is offered as a general guide to local conditions only.

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